March 13, 1999

Mid Washington Senior Golf Association

Best Ball Rules

COVIT - 19 Coronavirus:


Please comply with all state, local, course, MWSGA rules, policies and guidelines during play.


Tee Assignments:


·         Tee Assignments are ‘pre-selected’ by individual players in their Golf Genius Profile.

·         Tee Assignments (e.g., White, Gold) will be identified on the player’s scorecard.



Score Cards:

·         Exchange score card with opponents.

·         Enter gross score for each player.

·         On the team score line, enter best gross score for the team.

·         All putts by both players must be holed out unless one player elects to ‘pick up’ to meet “pace of play’ expectation.  A player should ‘pick up’ if a triple bogey or higher will be scored. An ‘X’ is recorded on the score card. The team gross score is based on the player who holes all putts.

·         Score cards must be signed and attested, no exceptions (Failure results in DQ).


Pace of Play:  Please keep up with the group in front you.


Playing course conditions:


All MWSGA tournaments will be played according to summer rules (play the ball as it lies) unless announced otherwise prior to the start of the tournament.

  • If playing winter rules, the ball may be moved no more than 6 inches and not closer to the hole.  If ball is moved it must be placed on the same cut of grass.
  • A player may take free relief from an immovable obstruction, as long as it is not in a penalty area or against a course boundary fence.  Relief is only granted if the obstruction interferes with the player’s swing or stance; you don't get relief from the line of play. 
  • You are entitled to relief from a cart path, yardage markers, ball washer, staked tree, sprinkler heads, or signage on the course as long as the ball is not in a penalty area.


KP Holes:        Green   Card is for Flight 1 players

                         Yellow  Card is for Flight 2 players

                        Blue     Card is for Flight 3 players

                        Red      Card is open to All Flights


New Rules – There were 20 rule changes approved in 2019 by the USGA such as:

  • Option to leave the flag in
  • Change from 5 to 3 minutes to find your ball
  • No penalty for deflected ball, (double hit)
  • Dropping the ball from knee height
  • A ball hit out of bounds may be dropped 2 club lengths in the fairway nearest to point it went out no closer to the hole with a 2-stroke penalty. (MWSGA adopted)

                                                 Take the time to learn them all.

                                                                                                                        Revised April 2022